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FlashPlayer11に関するyasu-logのブックマーク (1)

  • What’s new in Flash Player 11

    We all already know about the wonderful 3D API (Molehill) implemented in Flash Player 11. But what about other features ? Reading interviews and blogposts it is possible to derive some informations: 1. JPG-XR Tinic Uro unveils some details about the support of the JPG-XR image format. It is a modern revision of JPG that improves quality / compression ratios and introduces some new modes useful for

    What’s new in Flash Player 11
    yasu-log 2011/03/03
    Molehill以外のFlash Player 11の新機能紹介(JPG-XR対応、iOS Packager、Mic, HID, Sound対応などなど)
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