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algorithmの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 90件

  • GJK: Collision detection algorithm in 2D/3D | Winter's Blog

    In my last article, I only covered sphere vs. sphere collisions because they are the simplest to compute. Spheres are nice and all, but there comes a time when more complex shapes are needed. One popular algorithm for testing collisions is the Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi algorithm, or GJK for short. With it we can detect collisions between any two convex polygons. The GJK algorithm is very useful and

      GJK: Collision detection algorithm in 2D/3D | Winter's Blog
    • Exposed: China’s Operating Manuals for Mass Internment and Arrest by Algorithm - ICIJ

      CHINA CABLES Exposed: China’s Operating Manuals for Mass Internment and Arrest by Algorithm A new leak of highly classified Chinese government documents reveals the operations manual for running the mass detention camps in Xinjiang and exposed the mechanics of the region’s system of mass surveillance. A new leak of highly classified Chinese government documents has uncovered the operations manual

        Exposed: China’s Operating Manuals for Mass Internment and Arrest by Algorithm - ICIJ
      • Runの列挙 (Main-Lorentz algorithm) - 迷いませんか?

        Main-Lorentz Algorithm 概要 文字列のrunをで列挙することができるアルゴリズム runは文字列内に現れる部分文字列の繰り返しのことで、特に長さが極大で周期が最小のものを指すっぽい 情報としては区間と周期を持ち、実際に使うときは(l, r, period)としてs[l, r)の周期がperiodみたいに持つ 注意するべきなのは、繰り返しはピッタリである必要はなくて(r - l) % period != 0でもよい ただしr - l >= 2*periodであるもののみを考える 例 "mississippi" 区間: [1, 8), period: 3 長さ3の"iss"が7/3周期分ある s[0] != s[0+period(= 3)] かつ s[8] != s[8-period(= 5)]だからこれ以上伸ばせなくて長さが極大である あとは周期1で2周期分のやつが3つ

        • How machine learning powers Facebook’s News Feed ranking algorithm

          How machine learning powers Facebook’s News Feed ranking algorithm Designing a personalized ranking system for more than 2 billion people (all with different interests) and a plethora of content to select from presents significant, complex challenges. This is something we tackle every day with News Feed ranking. Without machine learning (ML), people’s News Feeds could be flooded with content they

            How machine learning powers Facebook’s News Feed ranking algorithm
          • 論文翻訳: In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm (Extended Version) - MOXBOX #Raft

            論文翻訳: In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm (Extended Version) Abstract Raft は複製されたログを管理するためのコンセンサスアルゴリズムである。これは (Multi-) Paxosと同等の結果を生み出し Paxos と同程度に効率的だが、その構造は Paxos とは異なる; Raft によって Paxos よりも理解しやすく実用的なシステムを構築するためのより良い基盤が提供される。わかりやすさを高めるために Raft はリーダー選挙、ログ複製、安全性といった合意の重要な要素を分離し、考慮すべき状態の数を減らすためにより強力な一貫性を強制する。ユーザ調査の結果から Raft は Paxos よりも習得しやすいことを示している。Raft にはクラスタメンバーシップを変更するための新しいメカニズム

              論文翻訳: In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm (Extended Version) - MOXBOX #Raft
            • The Eisel-Lemire ParseNumberF64 Algorithm

              The Eisel-Lemire ParseNumberF64 Algorithm Summary: ParseNumberF64, StringToDouble and similarly named functions take a string like "12.5" (one two dot five) and return a 64-bit double-precision floating point number like 12.5 (twelve point five). Some numbers (like 12.3) aren’t exactly representable as an f64 but ParseNumberF64 still has to return the best approximation. In March 2020, Daniel Lemi

              • Is this the simplest (and most surprising) sorting algorithm ever?

                We present an extremely simple sorting algorithm. It may look like it is obviously wrong, but we prove that it is in fact correct. We compare it with other simple sorting algorithms, and analyse some of its curious properties.

                • GitHub - TheRealOrange/icer_compression: Progressive, error tolerant, wavelet-based image compression algorithm

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                    GitHub - TheRealOrange/icer_compression: Progressive, error tolerant, wavelet-based image compression algorithm
                  • New Algorithm Breaks Speed Limit for Solving Linear Equations

                    Grade school math students are likely familiar with teachers admonishing them not to just guess the answer to a problem. But a new proof establishes that, in fact, the right kind of guessing is sometimes the best way to solve systems of linear equations, one of the bedrock calculations in math. As a result, the proof establishes the first method capable of surpassing what had previously been a har

                      New Algorithm Breaks Speed Limit for Solving Linear Equations
                    • 【図解】線形時間の文字列アルゴリズム「Z algorithm」をイラストとアニメーションでかみ砕く - Qiita

                      この記事では文字列を $S$,その $i$ $(0 \leq i < |S|)$ 文字目を $S[i]$ と表記します.文字列の結合は $+$ で表現します. また,Z 配列を $Z$,その $i$ $(0 \leq i < |S|)$ 番目の要素を $Z[i]$ と表記します. 1. Z algorithm で求める Z 配列とは 難しく厳密に表現すると,$Z[i]$ は - 文字列 $S=S[0]+S[1]+\cdots+S[|S|-1]$ - 文字列 $S[i]+S[i+1]+\cdots+S[|S|-1]$ の 最長共通接頭辞の長さ と定義されます. もう少しざっくり表現すると, - 文字列 $S=S[0]+S[1]+\cdots+S[|S|-1]$ - 文字列 $S[i]+S[i+1]+\cdots+S[|S|-1]$ の 先頭何文字が一致してるの? という値が $Z[i]$ で

                        【図解】線形時間の文字列アルゴリズム「Z algorithm」をイラストとアニメーションでかみ砕く - Qiita
                      • GitHub - drken1215/book_algorithm_solution: 拙著「問題解決力を鍛える!アルゴリズムとデータ構造」の補足資料。ソースコードと、章末問題への略解を掲載。

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                          GitHub - drken1215/book_algorithm_solution: 拙著「問題解決力を鍛える!アルゴリズムとデータ構造」の補足資料。ソースコードと、章末問題への略解を掲載。
                        • GitHub - alibaba/Alink: Alink is the Machine Learning algorithm platform based on Flink, developed by the PAI team of Alibaba computing platform.

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                            GitHub - alibaba/Alink: Alink is the Machine Learning algorithm platform based on Flink, developed by the PAI team of Alibaba computing platform.
                          • In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm

                            In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm (Extended Version) Diego Ongaro and John Ousterhout Stanford University Abstract Raft is a consensus algorithm for managing a replicated log. It produces a result equivalent to (multi-)Paxos, and it is as efficient as Paxos, but its structure is different from Paxos; this makes Raft more understandable than Paxos and also provides a better foundat

                            • Twitter's algorithm ranking factors: A definitive guide

                              Search Engine Land » Platforms » Twitter » Twitter’s algorithm ranking factors: A definitive guide Twitter’s algorithm ranking factors: A definitive guide A review of many of Twitter’s patents reveals some indications of criteria that are influential to rankings that are not readily apparent. Twitter patents and other publications reveal likely aspects of how tweets become promoted in the timeline

                                Twitter's algorithm ranking factors: A definitive guide
                              • Application Load Balancer now supports Least Outstanding Requests algorithm for load balancing requests

                                Least outstanding requests (LOR) algorithm is now available for Application Load Balancer. This is in addition to the round-robin algorithm that the Application Load Balancer already supports. Customers have the flexibility to choose either algorithm depending on their workload needs. Prior to this announcement, Application Load Balancer exclusively used a round-robin algorithm to distribute incom

                                  Application Load Balancer now supports Least Outstanding Requests algorithm for load balancing requests
                                • Google コアアップデート(Core Algorithm Update) 告知ツイートの記録

                                  Google Search Central @googlesearchc Today we announced the March 2024 core update & new spam policies that, in combination, are designed to show less content made to attract clicks and more content that people find useful. Learn more: developers.google.com/search/blog/20… 2024-03-06 02:01:47 Google Search Central @googlesearchc Today we released the November 2023 core update. We'll update our ran

                                    Google コアアップデート(Core Algorithm Update) 告知ツイートの記録
                                  • GitHub - gustavo-depaula/stalin-sort: Add a stalin sort algorithm in any language you like ❣️ if you like give us a ⭐️

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                                      GitHub - gustavo-depaula/stalin-sort: Add a stalin sort algorithm in any language you like ❣️ if you like give us a ⭐️
                                    • [Multi-AS Segment Routing 検証連載 #15] IGP Flexible Algorithm Interoperability Updates - NTT Communications Engineers' Blog

                                      サマリ 概要 Multi-vendor Flex-Algorithm 動作確認検証 1. リンクに対するメトリックの定義 2. リンクに対する color の定義 3. FAD の設定 4. Algorithm に参加するための設定 5. FAD の確認 6. BGP Import ポリシーの設定と確認 7. traceroute による VPN の通信経路確認 まとめ サマリ Flexible Algorithm による VPN 経路の TE を SR OS で実現 IOS XR + Junos + SR OS の Multi-vendor 環境で TE と Delay metric を含めた Algorithm の定義と動作検証に成功 この記事は Multi-AS SR 検証連載の第 15 回です。目次は こちら 概要 イノベーションセンターの吉田 晴信です。 普段の業務では Mult

                                        [Multi-AS Segment Routing 検証連載 #15] IGP Flexible Algorithm Interoperability Updates - NTT Communications Engineers' Blog
                                      • GitHub - CCExtractor/vardbg: A simple Python debugger and profiler that generates animated visualizations of program flow, useful for algorithm learning.

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                                          GitHub - CCExtractor/vardbg: A simple Python debugger and profiler that generates animated visualizations of program flow, useful for algorithm learning.
                                        • A walk through the SA-IS algorithm - Screwtape's Notepad

                                          A walk through the SA-IS Suffix Array Construction Algorithm¶ Some time ago, while looking for solutions to some string-searching problem I was having, I stumbled across the Suffix Array data-structure. It seemed promising, so I looked up the algorithm Wikipedia recommended (the “SA-IS” algorithm from the paper “Linear Suffix Array Construction by Almost Pure Induced-Sorting” by G. Nong, S. Zhang

                                          • Tony "Abolish ICE" Arcieri 🦀🌹 on Twitter: "Trying a horrible experiment... Which will the Twitter algorithm pick: Mitch McConnell or Barack Obama? https://t.co/bR1GRyCkia"

                                            Trying a horrible experiment... Which will the Twitter algorithm pick: Mitch McConnell or Barack Obama? https://t.co/bR1GRyCkia

                                              Tony "Abolish ICE" Arcieri 🦀🌹 on Twitter: "Trying a horrible experiment... Which will the Twitter algorithm pick: Mitch McConnell or Barack Obama? https://t.co/bR1GRyCkia"
                                            • book_algorithm_solution/errata.md at master · drken1215/book_algorithm_solution

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                                                book_algorithm_solution/errata.md at master · drken1215/book_algorithm_solution
                                              • Is this the simplest (and most surprising) sorting algorithm ever?

                                                • Algorithm部門のレーティングと業務における期待できる活躍 - AtCoderInfo

                                                  Algorithm部門のレーティングと業務における期待できる活躍 IT業界とAtCoder 10年前、日本にはほとんど競技プログラマーはいませんでした。しかし現在では、AtCoderだけでも世界で50万人、日本だけでも23万人が登録しており、多数の競技プログラマーが活動しています。IT業界のどの業種においても、特に新卒ITエンジニアとして応募してくる学生などはAtCoderを経験している場合が多く、採用側でもAtCoderがどういうものかを把握しておく必要性が高まっています。 AtCoderのレーティングが表すもの AtCoderのレーティングは、競技プログラミングと呼ばれる競技において、どれだけのパフォーマンスを発揮できるかを正確に表したものです。AtCoderのコンテストに出る度に変動し、成績に応じて上下をします。AtCoderのレーティングは一定間隔刻みで色がついており、赤が最高とな

                                                    Algorithm部門のレーティングと業務における期待できる活躍 - AtCoderInfo
                                                  • GitHub - sshniro/line-segmentation-algorithm-to-gcp-vision: Line segmentation algorithm for Google Vision API.

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                                                      GitHub - sshniro/line-segmentation-algorithm-to-gcp-vision: Line segmentation algorithm for Google Vision API.
                                                    • Nginx の Rate Limit 設定と Leaky Bucket Algorithm

                                                      nginx の ngx_http_limit_req_module で rate limit の設定ができる。がパラメータの理解が難しく、当初は設定値の調整に難儀した。背後にある Leaky Bucket というアルゴリズムとその実装を確認することでパラメータもすんなり理解できた。以下調べたことのログを残しておく。 ngx_http_limit_req_module ngx_http_limit_req_module は指定した key ごとに Rate Limit を設定できるというモジュール。key とは例えばリクエスト元の remote_ip で、それごとに「1r/s まで」といった制限を指定できる。 設定はこんな感じ。 http { limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=myzone rate=1r/s; ... server { ...

                                                        Nginx の Rate Limit 設定と Leaky Bucket Algorithm
                                                      • GitHub - claytongulick/bit-sync: Bit-sync is a utility for synchronizing arbitrary data using the rsync algorithm in pure js

                                                        This is a simple utility to synchronize two pieces of data, the source and the destination, using the rsync algorithm. The reason you might want to use this utility rather than just copying the source to the destination is to save on bandwidth. The rsync algorithm is really clever about only sending the parts of the file that have changed, rather than the whole file. For small files, this isn't th

                                                          GitHub - claytongulick/bit-sync: Bit-sync is a utility for synchronizing arbitrary data using the rsync algorithm in pure js
                                                        • Dijkstra's Algorithm

                                                          例題: 最短経路を求める いくつかの都市と、それらの都市をつなぐ道路の距離が与えられている。 出発地点と目的地点が与えられたとき、最短経路を探すプログラムを 作りなさい。 入力形式 $N$   $R$ $A_1$   $B_1$   $L_1$ $A_2$   $B_2$   $L_2$ $\quad\cdots$ $A_R$   $B_R$   $L_R$ $S$   $D$ 最初の行には2個の整数 $N$ と $R$ が含まれる。 $N$ は都市の数を表し、 $R$ はそれらの都市をつなぐ道の個数を表す。 $1 \leqq N \leqq 100$ 2行目以降は $R$ 行に渡って、3個の整数 $~~$ $A_i$, $B_i$, $L_i$ $~~$ ($1 \leqq i \leqq R$)$~~$ が含まれる。 $A_i$ と $B_i$ は道の両端の都市を表し、$L_i$ は道

                                                          • Markov Algorithm Online

                                                            2024/05/09 13:05:58 nasubi24 solved Problem0017 (Line: 5) 2024/05/07 21:01:15 aktk solved Problem0009 (Line: 4) 2024/05/07 20:50:39 aktk solved Problem0009 (Line: 5) 2024/05/07 20:43:04 aktk solved Problem0008 (Line: 3) 2024/05/07 20:20:09 aktk solved Problem0007 (Line: 3) 2024/05/07 20:09:35 aktk solved Problem0006 (Line: 3) 2024/05/07 20:07:08 aktk solved Problem0005 (Line: 1) 2024/05/07 20:02:0

                                                            • Was There A Google Search Algorithm Update

                                                              Search Date * Search

                                                              • Student of Games: A unified learning algorithm for both perfect and imperfect information games

                                                                Games have a long history as benchmarks for progress in artificial intelligence. Approaches using search and learning produced strong performance across many perfect information games, and approaches using game-theoretic reasoning and learning demonstrated strong performance for specific imperfect information poker variants. We introduce Student of Games, a general-purpose algorithm that unifies p

                                                                • Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation

                                                                  Google’s search algorithm is perhaps the most consequential system on the internet, dictating what sites live and die and what content on the web looks like. But how exactly Google ranks websites has long been a mystery, pieced together by journalists, researchers, and people working in search engine optimization. Now, an explosive leak that purports to show thousands of pages of internal document

                                                                    Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation
                                                                  • あまり知られていない〈algorithm〉 - HackMD

                                                                    # あまり知られていない〈algorithm〉 この記事は [Competitive Programming (1) Advent Calendar 2020](https://adventar.

                                                                    • Implementing Dijkstra Algorithm in Go · Deploy Everyday

                                                                      Hi, I'm Jojo. Here I talk about my life and computer adventures. You can yell at me clicking in the icons below. Implementing Dijkstra Algorithm in Go 16 Oct 2019 I didn’t go through Computer Science, had a very early dropout. Since I started working in the tech space, I cared a lot about RESTful APIs, preventing systems to fail. Algorithms and data structures always seemed daunting and terrifying

                                                                      • Improving the dead code elimination algorithm in js_of_ocaml - Micah Cantor

                                                                        I'm looking for a full-time software engineering position starting in January 2024. If you or your team is hiring, please reach out! Introduction This summer I worked as a software engineer intern at Tarides from their Paris office. My project centered on improving the dead code elimination algorithm in the OCaml to JavaScript compiler, js_of_ocaml. In this post, I'll give some background on why t

                                                                          Improving the dead code elimination algorithm in js_of_ocaml - Micah Cantor
                                                                        • The Best Algorithm No One Knows About

                                                                          Here’s a program roughly 0% of programmers know how to write: generate a list of random tweets, without duplication. You may think you know how to do this, but you almost assuredly don’t. Say you work at Twitter and have to select just one tweet at random. This is an easy problem. Generate a random number less than the total number of tweets, and draw the tweet that corresponds somehow to your num

                                                                            The Best Algorithm No One Knows About
                                                                          • GitHub - labuladong/fucking-algorithm at english

                                                                            English translation is in progress... Some articles are still in Chinese, but most are completed. Please star this repo. The full translation will eventually be finished. Enjoy. These articles go over different kinds of Algorithmic Thinking. All are based on LeetCode problems. They contain not just the solution code for a problem, but also WHY the solution works and HOW you too can figure it out.

                                                                              GitHub - labuladong/fucking-algorithm at english
                                                                            • Wrongfully Accused by an Algorithm (Published 2020)

                                                                              To hear more audio stories from publishers like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. On a Thursday afternoon in January, Robert Julian-Borchak Williams was in his office at an automotive supply company when he got a call from the Detroit Police Department telling him to come to the station to be arrested. He thought at first that it was a prank. An hour later, when he pulled in

                                                                                Wrongfully Accused by an Algorithm (Published 2020)
                                                                              • GitHub - github/ssh-key-algo: Script to check if the SSH key algorithm is up to date

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                                                                                  GitHub - github/ssh-key-algo: Script to check if the SSH key algorithm is up to date
                                                                                • author_is_elon · Issue #236 · twitter/the-algorithm

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                                                                                    author_is_elon · Issue #236 · twitter/the-algorithm